1: Start up Adobe GoLive
2: Click on File, New Site and go to Blank.
3: Inside the popup, enter your site name and either browse your local hard drive to an existing folder or have GoLive create a new one for you.
4: If you want to import from an existing folder
5: Click on File, New Site and Import from Folder.
It will prompt you to browse to the folder you will be publishing from to the website and also indicate the name of the home page.
Once you have either created a new folder of imported from an existing one, the following window will pop up.
6: Go to Site and Settings where you will configure FTP to transfer your files to the website.
7: Choose FTP and WebDAV Server tab on the right hand side. You will need to fill in the information for the FTP on the top right.
8: Server is either ftp.yourdomain.com or the IP address.
9: Username is in the format of admin@yourdomain.com
10: Directory should be set to /var/www/html
11: Port should be set to 21
12: Click OK
13: Click on Site, FTP Server, and then Connect.
14: Once you have connected, the left window is your local hard drive and the right window is the remote server. Just drag and drop your files.
For additional information, please visit Adobe's site at http://www.adobe.com
Please note that the root html directory is located at /var/www/html or mainwebsite_html
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